This article zoomed the lens on style of parenting of the new generation mothers and father, and the effects of parenting style in our society today.

There is a wide difference between a mother/father (giver of life) and a parent. Because you can get a woman pregnant or push a baby out in child birth doesn't qualify you as a parent. Parenting takes mental, physical, financial, emotional and intellectual capacity. A whole lot of people don't have this capacity/skill but they are busy bringing innocent kids into this world.


Most of the new generation mother/father failed their children simply because they are mentally, emotionally and intellectually incapable to parents their kids.


Parenting simply means, molding a child's life so he or she will be able to navigate the world (his or her environment) and add positive meanings to that environment. That is, giving the child the right information about life generally, helping the child to know what is good and bad, ensuring the child does the right thing at all times and letting the child face the consequence when he/she does something wrong.


Parenting is a special task that takes time, patience, understanding and utmost dedication to achieve a good character in a human and making the world a better place for all.


Some parents of today will see their offspring doing something wrong or bad, instead of them stopping the child from doing something that might create a permanent scar on them, they will rather bring out their smart phone and start recording the child that is at risk of danger in the name of creating content. Those kind of people don't have any business with having children. They should rather be sperm dônôrs or sörögate mothers.


Every child is a foundation of a new generation. If you get it wrong with one child, you have gotten it wrong with his entire generation because whatever you passed on, on that child is what he/she will pass on to their offspring. 


The vices we have in our society today are results of father/mother with no good parenting skill.


Before you bring any child to this world, you must have a good parenting skill. Children are representative and a reflection of their parents' character. If your child is one the society don't want to associate with, you are a automatically a parent that has failed. 


Be ready to be a parent before bringing any child into the world, this is your own little contribution in making the world a better place. 

Ugochukwu Ikechukwu

2 Blog posts

Fortune Marshall 11 w

Not everyone are good in parenting job