How does CPA marketing works

The CPA model is a simple marketing concept that you need to use

How Does CPA Marketing Work? 


The CPA model is a simple concept once you break down into how it works and who’s involved.


• Affiliate or Publisher: The influencer (blogger, brand, business) that promotes a business or product in order to drive traffic to the ecommerce site and make a specific conversion.


• Business or Advertiser: The brand that desires a partnership with an affiliate to drive quality traffic to the business’ website and increase sales, generate leads, or boost conversions.


• CPA Network: The platform that brings together the affiliate who wants to make money by promoting products and the businesses that want their products promoted.


Let’s say a popular cooking blogger named Lisa (our affiliate in this story) has a healthy following of YouTube subscribers and blog readers.


She learned how to start a blog to make a living in her kitchen—trying new recipes and recommending specific brands and products to her audience.


After developing a guest blogging strategy, increasing web traffic, and building a cult following, her cooking crowd is eager to buy the next kitchen gadget she recommends.


Then we have our example business, EasyCooking.


EasyCooking manufactures high-quality kitchen gadgets – from cutting boards and measuring cups, to professional mixers and food processors. They’re looking to expand their marketing reach and would love to take advantage of Lisa’s audience of budding chefs. 


A CPA marketing network brings Lisa and EasyCooking together.


Ecommerce businesses like EasyCooking utilize CPA networks to find and partner with influencers like Lisa.


Influencers like Lisa, who want to make money doing what they love and engaging their audience, can turn to CPA networks to find companies that want to pay her to use and promote their products.


Lisa sends her audience to the business’ website and makes a commission on each sale or lead conversion.


In turn, EasyCooking makes money from Lisa’s referral traffic.


The network brings them together and the audience gets to try new products and learn about emerging brands. It’s a win-win.

Desmond Stanley Nwagbo

1 Blog posts
