Borrow N1 millioñ from FIRSTBANK and use your land inheritance as collateral.

Use the N1 milliøñ to stake on 1.2 odds on Saturday and win N1.2 milliøñ.

Use the N1.2 milliøñ to stake on 1.4 odds on Sunday and win N1.6 milliøñ.

Use the N1.6 milliøñ to stake on 1.2 odds the following weekend and win N2.2 milliøñ.

Return the N1 milliøñ to FIRSTBANK and redeem your land.

Use the remaining N1.2 milliøñ to stake another 1.2 odd.

To make mōñêy no hard, na you wey no wan lose your family land.