A Guide To Maximize Your Job Search and Get Hired Fast

Whether you are searching for a new job or coming back into the workforce after time off.

Whether you are searching for a new job or coming back into the workforce after time off, the end goal of your job search often seems like the most challenging step in the process. Getting hired for a position takes a lot of effort from both the job seeker and the employer. However, if you focus on a few key areas, you can increase your chances of getting hired quickly in a position you desire.

In this article, we share ways you can decrease the time it takes to get hired in a new position and give you tips on how to maximize your job search from your resume content to best practices for an interview.

These ideas can help you get hired quickly:

1. Attend a hiring event

Meeting with prospective employers face to face can help your chances of getting a job quickly. When you can set yourself apart with personal interaction and make a good impression, you gain more potential as a candidate for the position. Whether you do this virtually or at an onsite job fair, letting prospective employers see who you are can help you move faster through the application process.

2. Apply to a company with multiple openings

Most online job boards allow you to view all positions posted by a company. If you notice a company you like hiring for multiple positions, it's a good idea to apply for the job that best fits your qualifications, but note in your cover letter that you are willing to be considered for several of their open positions. If a company has a lot of hiring to do at once, you may have a better chance of finding a job opening more quickly.

3. Use your connections

You may never know where your next job opportunity will come from. Be open to discussing your search with friends and professional connections outside of your workplace. Attend networking functions, charity events and social functions. Traditional business cards with printed links to your social media and professional websites are a way you can quickly connect with new acquaintances and learn about more job openings.

4. Apply for jobs that closely match your skill set

If you want to get hired fast, it can be tempting to apply to as many places as you can to see which ones respond. This may help you get more initial interest, however, as you progress in the hiring process, it may become clear that your skill set is better suited for a different position. When you take the time to find the top jobs that most closely match your qualifications, you are more likely to see results.

5. Take a job as a starting point

When you find an industry you want to work in or a company you would like to work for, you may need to compromise with a job that meets your qualifications even if it isn't your top choice. Consider it a way to work toward your ideal position by gaining experience.

6. Apply for an internal position

Many companies hire internally for new positions. If you already know the company culture and have a history with them, you may quickly become the top pick instead of a new hire from outside. The overall process is quicker with an internal hire because there's no need for traditional onboarding practices.

7. Use a recruiter

A recruiter can quickly find jobs that fit your skill set and schedule interviews for you with prospective employers. After an initial conversation to help the recruiter figure out your most marketable qualifications, they will complete the job search for you. Keep in mind that you shouldn't pay a recruiter. They get paid when a company hires you.

8. Craft a great cover letter

A well-written cover letter can get you noticed as a top candidate for a position. First-choice candidates usually get interviewed before other candidates and are more likely to move on in the hiring process. Make your letter engaging and organized with statements that clearly explain why you are the best fit for the job. Briefly state your skills and explain why you want to work for the company.

9. Complete a successful interview

A strong interview can move you more quickly through the hiring process. Show you are confident by maintaining eye contact and good posture while using natural hand gestures and facial expressions. Prove you are the best person for the job by preparing to discuss specific examples of how you used your skills in your previous position.

10. Accept a temporary or part-time position

The quickest way to get hired may be to take a temporary position or part-time job until you can find more permanent employment or a full-time job. Many industries need seasonal help that can turn into a regular position. Companies also use temporary employment agencies to try out job candidates before hiring them full time.

Simmo Smix

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ThankGod Elechi 41 w

That's good

Mariam Olabisi Rafiu 42 w

Nice 👍